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The Initiative

Prof. Koutaro Yokote

Prof. Koutaro Yokote
Chiba University
Chiba, Japan
1988 MD, Chiba University Medical School, Japan
1996 PhD, Uppsala University, Sweden
1998 DMSci, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
Professional Associations
2005- Member of the Guideline Committee, Japan Atherosclerosis Society
2009- Member of the Guideline Committee, Japan Association of Obesity Research
2010- Director, Japan Atherosclerosis Society
2010- Councilor, Japan Endocrinology Association
2010- Councilor, Japan Diabetes Association
2010- Member, American Diabetes Association
2011- Executive Editor, Geriatrics and Gerontology International
2012- Director, Japanese Society for Clinical Molecular Medicine
2012- Director, Japan Clinical Nutrition Society
2013- Councilor, The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
2013- Director, Japan Association of Obesity Research
2014- Director, Japan Geriatric Society
2015- Councilor, The Japanese Association of Medical Sciences
2015- Joint Committee Member of the Japan Geriatric Society and Japan Diabetes Society for Guidelines for the management of diabetes in the elderly
2019- Director, The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
2002 Research Award, Japan Heart Foundation
2005 2005 Young Investigators Award, Japan Society of Diabetes Complication
2012 Goto Yu-ichiro Award, Japan Atherosclerosis Society
1998 Medical Doctor, Japan, License# 312586
1989 Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, USA, Certificate# 419-336-3
1991 Japanese Board of Internal Medicine, Japan, Certification# 2009115
2000 Japanese Board of Geriatrics, Japan, Certification# 309009
2001 Japanese Board of Diabetes, Japan, Certification# 2009115
2016 Japanese Board of Endocrinology, Japan, Certification# 1160099
Clinical speciality
Diabetes, lipid disorders and Werner syndrome.
Research interest
Prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, diabetic complications and progerioid syndrome.