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The Initiative

Prof. Ada Cuevas

Prof. Ada Cuevas
Universidad de Valparaíso
Academic Career
1995 - 2004 Associate Professor. Department of Nutrition, Diabetes and Metabolism, Catholic University, Santiago, Chile.
2007 - Associate Professor. Faculty of  Medicine, Universidad de Valparaíso. Chile.
Postgraduate Academic Degree
1990 - 1991 Masters in Nutrition. University of Chile
1992 - 1993 Fellowship in Nutrition and Metabolism, Southwestern Medical Center, University of Texas, Dallas USA
Academic Administrative Responsabilities
2000 - 2002 Coordinator of the Center for Research and Treatment of  Nutritional Diseases. Catholic University.
2004 - 2012 Chair, Nutrition and Obesity Department. Clínica  Las  Condes.
Other Activities
1998 - 2003 Attending diabetes clinic. San Joaquín Medical Center. Catholic University
1992 - 2002 Chairman of Dyslipidemia program.  Center for Research and treatment of nutritional diseases. Catholic University
2001 - 2003 Attending in the Cardiovascular prevention program. San Jorge Medical Center. Catholic University
2003 Attending in the Nutritional program for women. San Jorge Medical Center. Catholic University.
2004 - Attending  Nutrition Center and Bariatric surgery Unit. Clínica Las Condes
Affiliated Associations
  Nutrition and Metabolism Association of Chile. Membership
  Medical Society of Chile. Membership
  International Atherosclerosis Society. Membership
  Endocrine and Diabetes Society of Chile. Membership
Honors and Awards
2000 Best scientific Chilean research 1999. Medical Society of Santiago award. Mezzano D, Muñoz X, Martinez C, Cuevas A, Panes O y col. Vegetarians and cardiovascular risk factors, hemostasis and plasma homocysteine. Thrombosis and haemostasis;81:913-917

Best Clinical Research. Cardiology Society of Chile. Annual Congress. Endothelial Function in Postmenopausal Women. Soy protein supplementation effect

2000 Grant of Clinical Investigation. Medical Society of Santiago
2002 Best Clinical Research. Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism  Congress (III), Southern Cone Congress (IV):¨Mechanisms of hypo and hyperalfalipoproteinemia in Chilean adult individuals.”
2003 “German Ducach” award. Best Research in Clinical Hematology by Medical Society of Chile.
2004 Best scientific Chilean research. Medical Society of Santiago award.  Cuevas A, Irribarra V, Castillo O, Yañez M, Germain AM. “Isolated soy protein improves endothelial function in postmenopausal hypercholesterolemic women”.
Scientific publications

Huijgen R, Stork AD, Defesche JC, Peter J, Alonso R, Cuevas A, Kastelein JJ, Duran M, Stroes ES. Extreme xanthomatosis in patients with both familial hypercholesterolemia and cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis. Clin Genet. 2012 Jan;81(1):24-8.

Cuevas A, Alvarez V, Carrasco C. Epidemic of Metabolic Syndrome in Latin América. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes; 2011;18(2):134-8

Cuevas A, Germain A. A failed pregnancy stress test: a new and under-recognized cardiovascular risk factor. Current atherosclerosis Report 2011;13(4):285-6.

Cuevas A, Cordero MJ, Olivos C, Ghiardo D, Alvarez V, Efficacy and safety of a very-low-calorie diet in a group of overweight or obese Chilean women; Rev Med Chil. 2011 Oct;139 (10):1286-91.

Urquiaga I, Strobell P, Perez P, Martinez C, Cuevas A, et Mediterranean diet and red wine Protect against oxidative  damage in  young volunteers. Atherosclerosis 2010; 211 (2): 694-9.

Farias MM, Cuevas A, Rodriguez F, Set-Point Theory and Obesity. Metab Syndr Relat Disorders, 2010 9(2):85-9.

Cuevas A. Olivos C, Alvarez V. The emerging obesity problem in Latin America. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2009; 7(3): 281-8
Cuevas A, Molina A, Rigotti A, Miquel JF, Marshall G, Reyes S, Nervi F. Trends in obesity and diabetes prevalence in a Chilean urban population 1993-2001. Metab Syndr Rel Dis; 2008; 6:219-222

Binbrek AS, Elis A, Al_Zaibag M, Eha J, Keber I, Cuevas A, Mukherjee S, Miller T. Rosuvastatin versus atorvastatin in achieving lipid goals in patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease in clinical practice: Discovery Alpha study. Curr Ther Rep,  2006; 67:21-43.

Cuevas A, Germain AM.  Diet and endothelial function. Biol Res 2005;37(2): 225-230

Cuevas A, Reyes MS. The last in the diagnosis and treatment of obesity. Is still there a place for the conservative treatment iof obesity? Rev Médica de Chile; 2005;133(6):713-22.

Cuevas A. Obesity: The Epidemic of the Century. Rev Chil Cardiol; 2005

Laris MdelR, Arteaga A, Cuevas A, Rigotti A. HDL cholesterol: a new target in the treatment of lipid disorders and atherosclerosis ? Revc Méd Chil 2005;133(7):823-32

Cuevas A, Miquel JF, Reyes MS, Zanlungo S, Nervi F Diet as a risk factor of cholesterol gallstone disease. J Am Coll,2004; 132(4):187-196

Cuevas A, Alvarez V, Acosta AM, Altayo M, Montero J, Rigotti A. Mechanisms of hypo and  hyperalfalipoproteinemia in Chilean individuals Rev Med Chil, 2004; 132(4):421-428

Germain AM, Iribarra V, Valdes G, Romanik MC, Leighton F, Mardones F, Cuevas AM. Ultrasound assessment of endothelial function in Chilean children and adults. Rev Med Chil; 2004; 132(4):437-444

Mezzano D, Leighton F, Strobel P, Martinez C, Marshall G, Cuevas A, Castillo O, Panes O, Muñoz B, Rozowski J, Pereira J. Mediterranean diet, but not red wine, is associated with beneficial changes in primary hemostasis. Eur J Clin Nutr; 2003; 57(3):439-446.

Cuevas A, Irribarra V, Castillo O, Yañez M, Germain A. Isolated Soy protein improves endothelial function in postmenopausal hypercholesterolemic women. Eur J Clin Nutr ; 2003; 57(8):889-894.

Reyes M, Cuevas A, Romanik M, Valdes G, Germain A. Endotelial Function: Ultrasound evaluation.  Rev Chil Untrasonog , 2003; 6(3): 72-94

Perez D, Strobel P, Foncea R, Diez S, Vasquez L, Urquiaga I, Castillo O, Cuevas A, San Martin A, Leighton F.  Wine, diet antioxidant defenses and oxidative damage. Ann New York Academy Science; 2002;957:136-145.

Castillo O, Rozowski J, Cuevas A, Maiz A, Soto M, Mardones F, Leighton F. Nutrientes intake in in older adults in the community of Providencia in Santiago, Chile. Rev Médica de Chile; 2002; 130(12):1335-1342

Kunstmann S, Bastías E, Arteaga A, Maiz A, Stockins B, Larenas G, Cuevas A, Prat H, Pollak F, Rigotti A, Calvo C, Verdugo C, Arteaga E. Recommendations for the control of dyslipidemia in adults; 2002; Rev Chil Cardiol; 2002; 21(4):229-236

Mezzano D, Leighton F, Martinez C, Marshall G, Cuevas A, Castillo O y col. Complementary effects of the Mediterranean diet and moderate red wine intake on hemostatic cardiovascular risk factors: European Journal of Clin Nutr; 2001; 55:444-451

Alvarez A, Cuevas A, Rigotti A. New aspects of the metabolic structure of lipoproteins of high density. Clin Invest Arterioscler 2001;13:2-8.

Rozowski J, Cuevas A, Castillo O, et al. Differences of plasmatic antioxidants in Chilean women.  Rev Médica de Chile; 2001; 129(1):34-50

Cuevas A, Guash V, Castillo O, Irribarra V y col. A high fat diet and red wine induces counteracts endothelial dysfunction in human volunteers. Lipids; 2000; 35(2):143-148.

Huidobro A, Cuevas A, Chamorro G, Maiz A, y col. Insulin Resistance and Coronary Disease. Clinic of Investigation of Arteriosclerosis; 2000; 12(3):153-159

Mezzano D, Kosiel K, Martinez C, Cuevas A, Panes O y col. Cardiovascular risk factors in vegetarians: normalization of hyperhomocysteinemia with vitamin B12 and reduction of platelet aggregation with n-3 fatty acids. Thrombosis Research; 2000; 100(3):153-160

Irribarra V, Germain AM, Cuevas A, Faundez L, Valdes G. Endothelial disfunction as a primary disturbance in vascular diseases.  Rev Médica de Chile; 2000; 128(6):659-670

Leighton F, Cuevas A, Guash V, Perez D, y col. Plasma polyphenols and antioxidants, oxidative DNA damage and endothelial function in a wine dietary intervention. Drugs Exp Clin Res; 1999; XXV, No2/3:133-41

Mezzano D, Muñoz X, Martinez C, Cuevas A, Panes O y col. Vegetarians and cardiovascular risk factors, haemostasis and plasma homocysteine. Thrombosis and Haemostasis; 1999; 81:913-917

Cuevas A, Maiz A, Arteaga A. Pathogenesis and treatment of lipid disturbances in chronic renal diseases; Rev Médica de Chile; 1998; 126:315-321

Castillo O, Rozowski J, Cuevas A, Muñoz et al. Ingestion of Nutrients in Chileans vegetarians. Rev Chilena de Nutrición; 1998; 25:39-44

Other Publications. Books Chapter 

Cuevas A. Dislipidemia en mujeres. Book: Climaterio y menopausia en el Siglo XXI editors: Eugenio Arteaga y Marcelo Bianchi. 2011

The weight of obesity in the XXI century. Authors: Maria Paz Marzolo , Ada Cuevas. Editorial Valente  año 2010

Cuevas A. Nutrition and Blood Pressure Chapter. High Blood Pressure Book. Editors. Zehnder and Saieh Hypertension and diet; 2008;  Chapter 39 Pages:491-500

Cuevas A. Food and Nutrition for the Pregnant Woman. In: Caring for yourself in Pregnancy, Ed: Germain A, Sánchez M. Editions in The Catholic University of Chile; 2002; Pags:83-94.

Cuevas A. The effects of the Mediterranean Diet on health. In : Diet, Antioxidants y aging, ED: Leighton F, Urquiaga I. OMS, OPS; 2000; Pag. 83-97