- Dane-Stewart CA, Watts GF, Barrett PHR, Stuckey BGA, Mamo JCL, Martins IJ, Redgrave TG. Chylomicron remnant metabolism studied with a new breath test in postmenopausal women with and without type2 diabetes. Clinical Endocrinology 2003; 28:415-420.
- James AP, Watts GF, Barrett PHR, Smith D, Pal s, Chan DC, Mamo JCL. effect of weight loss on postprandial lipemia and LDL receptor binding in overweight men. Metabolism 2003; 52:136-141.
- Playford DA, Watts GF, Croft KD, Burke V. Combined effect of coenzyme Q10 and fenofibrate on forearm microcirculatory function in type 2 diabetes. Atherosclerosis 2003; 168:169-179.
- Woodman RJ, Mori TA, Burke V, Puddey IB, Watts GF, Best JD, Beilin LJ. Docosahexaenoic acid but not eicosapentaenoic acid increases LDL particle size in treated hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes Care 2003; 26: 253.
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- Chan DC, Watts GF, Barrett PHR, O’Neill FH, Redgrave TG, Thompson GR. Relationship between cholesterol homeostasis and triacylglycerol-rich lipoprotein remnant metabolism in the metabolic syndrome. Clinical Science 2003; 104:383-388.
- Chan DC, Watts GF, Barrett PHR, O’Neill FH, Redgrave TG, Thompson GR. Associations between plasma markers of cholesterol homeostasis and apolipoprotein B-100 kinetics in obese subjects with metabolic syndrome. Obesity Research 2003; 11:591-590.
- Chan DC, Watts GF, Barrett PHR. Comparison of intraperitoneal and posterior subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue compartments as predictors of VLDL apolipoprotein B-100 kinetics in overweight-obese men. Diabetes Obes Metab 2003; 5:202-206.
- Zilkens RR, Burke V, Watts GF, Beilin LJ, Puddey IB. The effect of alcohol intake on insulin sensitivity in men: a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care 2003; 21:97-103.
- Watts GF. Insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes: translating therapy into cost-effective practice? Practical Diabetes International 2003; 20:45-40.
- Chan DC, Watts GF, Mori TA, Barrett PHR, Redgrave TG, Beilin LJ. Randomised controlled trial of the effect of n-3 fatty acids supplementation on apolipoprotein B-100 and chylomicron remnant metabolism in visceral obesity. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2003; 77:300-307.
- Ching HL, Watts GF, Dhaliwal SS, Barrett PHR, Stuckey BGA. Vascular function of the forearm microcirculation in post-menopausal women with type 2 diabetes: potential benefit of hormone replacement therapy? Climacteric 2003; 6:31-37.
- Watts GF, Chan DC, Barrett PHR, Susekov AV, Hua J, Song S. Adipose tissue compartments and VLDL apolipoprotein B-100 kinetics in overweight-obese men. Obesity Research 2003; 11:152-159.
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- Woodman RJ, Watts GF, Kingwell B, Dart AM. Interpretation of the digital volume pulse: its relationship with large and small artery compliance. Clinical Science 2003; 104:283-284.
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- Chan DC, Barrett PHR, Watts GF. Dyslipidaemia in Visceral Obesity: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Interventions. American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs 2004 ;4: 227-46.
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- Chan DC, Watts GF, Barrett PHR. Comparison of intraperitoneal and posterior subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue compartments as predictors of VLDL apolipoprotein B-100 kinetics in overweight-obese men. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 2003; 5:202-6.
- Watts GF, Chan DC, Barrett PHR, O’Neill FH, Thompson, GR. Effect of a station hepatic apolipoprotein B-100secretion and plasma campesterol levels in the metabolic syndrome. International Journal of Obesity 2003; 27:862-5.
- Chan DC, Watts GF, Barrett PHR, Burke V. Waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio and body mass index as predictors of adipose tissue compartments in men. Quarterly Journal of Medicine 2003; 96:441-7.
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- Chan DC, Watts GF, Barrett PH, Whitfield AJ, van Bockxmeer FM. ATP-binding cassette transporter G8 gene as a determinant of apolipoprotein B-100 kinetics in overweight men. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2004 Nov;24:2188-91.
- Chan DC, Barrett HP, Watts GF. Dyslipidemia in visceral obesity: mechanisms, implications, and therapy. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs. 2004;4:227-46
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- Chew GT, Watts GF. Coenzyme Q10 and diabetic endotheliopathy: oxidative stress and the 'recoupling hypothesis'. QJM. 2004 Aug;97:537-48
- Chan DC, Barrett PH, Watts GF. Lipoprotein transport in the metabolic syndrome: pathophysiological and interventional studies employing stable isotopy and modelling methods. Clin Sci. 2004 Sep;107:233-49.
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- Chan DC, Watts GF, Sussekov AV, Barrett PH, Yang Z, Hua J, Song S. Adipose tissue compartments and insulin resistance in overweight-obese Caucasian men. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2004 Feb;63(2):77-85
- Chan DC, Watts GF, Ng TWK, Uchida Y, Sakai N, Yamashita S, Barrett PHR. Adiponectin and other adipocytokines as predictors of markers of triglyceride-rich lipoprotein metabolism. Clin Chem 2005; 51: 578-85.
- Ng TWK, Watts GF, Farvid MS, Chan DC, Barrett PHR. Adipocytokines and VLDL metabolism: independent regulatory effects of adiponectin, insulin resistance and fat compartments on VLDL apoB-100 kinetics?. Diabetes 2005; 54: 795 – 802
- Farvid MS, Ng TWK, Chan DC, Barrett PHR, Watts GF. Association of adiponectin and resistin with adipose tissue compartments, insulin resistance and dyslipidaemia. Diabetes Obes Metab 2005; 7: 406-413.
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- Cussons AJ, Stuckey BGA, Watts GF. Metabolic and cardiovascular risk in the polycystic ovary syndrome. Practical Diabetes International 2005; 22: 261-265.
- Woodman RJ, Watts GF, Playford DA, Best JD, Chan DC. Oxidised LDL and small LDL particle size are independently predictive of a selective metabolic defect in microcirculatory endothelial function in Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab 2005; 7: 612-617.
- Ooi EMM, Watts GF, Farvid MS, Chan DC, Allen MC, Zilko SR, Barrett PHR. HDL kinetics in overweight- Obese subjects studied with stable isotopy: relative significance of catabolism and production in determining apolipoprotein A-I plasma concentration. Obesity Res 2005; 13: 1008—1016.
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- Chan DC, Watts GF, Uchida Y, Sakai N, Yamashita S, Barrett PHR. Apolipoprotein B-100 kinetics and plasma markers of triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particle concentrations in overweight men. Clin Biochem 2005; 38: 806-812.
- Ng TW, Watts GF, Stuckey BG, Ching HL, Chan DC, Uchida Y, Sakai N, Yamashita S, Martins IJ, Redgrave TG, Barrett PHR. Does pravastatin increase chylomicron remnant catabolism in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus? Clin Endocrinol 2005; 63: 650-656.
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- James AP,Watts GF,Mamo JC. The effect of metformin and rosiglitazone on postprandial lipid metabolism in obese insulin-resistant subjects. Diabetes Obes Metab 2005; 7: 381-9.
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- Woodman RJ, Chew GT, Watts GF. Mechanisms, significance and treatment of vascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus: focus on lipid-regulating therapy. Drugs 2005; 65: 31-74.
- Chan DC, Watts GF, Barrett PHR. Recent studies of lipoprotein kinetics in the metabolic syndrome and related disorders. Curr Opin Lipidol 2006; 17: 28-36.
- Ji J, Watts GF, Johnson AG, Chan DC, Ooi EMM, Rye KA, Serone AP, Barrett PHR. High-density Lipoprotein Transport in the Metabolic Syndrome: application of a new model for HDL particle kinetics. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2006; 91: 973-979.
- Chan DC, Watts GF, Nguyen MN, Barrett PHR. Apolipoproteins C-III and A-V as predictors of VLDL-triglyceride and apolipoprotein B-100 Kinetics. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2006; 26: 590 - 596.
- Woodman RJ, Playford DA, Watts GF. Basal production of nitric oxide (NO) and non-NO vasodilators in the forearm microcirculation in Type 2 diabetes: associations with blood pressure and HDL cholesterol. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2006; 71: 59-67.
- Chan DC, Watts GF. Apolipoproteins as Coronary Risk Managers: towards a more rationale assessment of dyslipidaemias. QJM 2006 99:277-87.
- Chan DC, Watts GF, Ng TWK, Hua J, Song S, Barrett PHR. Measurement of liver fat by MRI: relationships with body fat distribution, insulin sensitivity and plasma lipids in healthy men. Diabetes Obes Metab 2006; 8:698-702.
- Chan DC, Watts GF. Recent advances in the investigation of lipoprotein metabolism using tracer methodology. Clin Lab 2006; 52:353-61.
- Chan DC, G F Watts, Minh N Nguyen, P Hugh R Barrett. Factorial study of the effect of n-3 fatty acid supplementation and atorvastatin on the kinetics of HDL apolipoproteins A-I and apoA-II in men with abdominal obesity. Am J Clin Nutr 2006; 84:37-43.
- Barrett PH, Chan DC, Watts GF. Thematic review series: Patient-Oriented Research. Design and analysis of lipoprotein tracer kinetics studies in humans. J.Lipid Res. 2006;47:1607-19.
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- Chan DC, Watts GF. Apolipoproteins as markers and managers of coronary risk. QJM 2006;99:277-87.
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- Cussons AJ, Stuckey BG, Watts GF. Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiometabolic Risk in PCOS. Curr Diab Rep 2007;7:66-73.
- Burnett JR, Watts GF. MTP inhibition as a treatment for dyslipidaemias: time to deliver or empty promises? Expert Opin Ther Targets 2007;11:181-9.
- Jones MR, Italiano L, Wilson SG, Watts GF et al. Polymorphism in HSD17B6 is associated with key features of polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril 2006;86:1438-46.
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- Watts GF, Chan DC, Ooi EM, Nestel PJ, Beilin LJ, Barrett PH. Fish oils, phytosterols and weight loss in the regulation of lipoprotein transport in the metabolic syndrome: lessons from stable isotope tracer studies. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2006;33:877-82.
- Ooi EM, Watts GF, Farvid MS et al. High-density lipoprotein apolipoprotein A-I kinetics: comparison of radioactive and stable isotope studies. Eur J Clin Invest 2006;36:626-32.
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- Dogra G, Irish A, Chan D, Watts G. Insulin Resistance, Inflammation, and Blood Pressure Determine Vascular Dysfunction in CKD. Am J Kidney Dis 2006; 48:926-34.
- Chan DT, Irish AB, Dogra GK, Watts GF. Dyslipidemia and cardio-renal disease: mechanisms, therapeutic opportunities and clinical trials. Atherosclerosis 2007 in press.
- Watts GF, Chan DC, P Hugh R Barrett. Metabolism of Apolipoprotein B-100 Containing Lipoproteins in Dyslipidaemias. The Year in Lipid Disorders 2007:133-163. Ed: Packard C. Clinical Publishing, Oxford.
- Watts GF, Chew KK, Stuckey BGA. The erectile-endothelial dysfunction nexus: new opportunities of cardiovascular prevention. Nature Clin Pract: Cardiovascular Medicine 2007 ( in press).
- Jones MR, Wilson SG, Mullin BH, Mead R, Watts GF, Stuckey BG
Polymorphism of the follistatin gene in polycystic ovary syndrome. Mol Hum Reprod 2007; 13: 237-41
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- Gan SK, Watts GF. A national diabetic ketoacidosis protocol: catches for the unwary? Pract Diabetes International 2007; 24: 230
- Ooi EM, Barrett PH, Chan DC, Nestel PJ, Watts GF
Dose-dependent effect of rosuvastatin on apolipoprotein B-100 kinetic in the metabolic syndrome. Atherosclerosis, 2007 Apr 6, (Epub ahead of print)
- Watts GF, Lewis B, Sullivan DR
Familial hypercholesterolemia: a missed opportunity in preventive medicine. Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med 2007 Aug:4(8): 404-5.
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Therapeutic regulation of endothelial dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diab Vasc Disease. 2007 June: 4(2):89-102 Review
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Detection of familial hypercholesterolaemia: A major treatment gap in preventative cardiology. Heart Lung & Circ. 2007 Jul 31; (Epub ahead of print)
- Ng TW, Watts GF, Barrett PH, Rye KA, Chan DC
Effect of weight loss on LDL and HDL kinetics in the metabolic syndrome: association with changes in plasma retinol-binding protein-4 and adiponectin levels. Diabetes Care, 2007 Nov:30(11):2945-50.
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- Stuckey BG, Walsh JP, Ching HL, Stuckey AW, Palmer NR, Thompson PL, Watts GF
Erectile dysfunction predicts generalized cardiovascular disease: evidence from a case-control study. Atherosclerosis. 2007 Oct; 194(2):458-64.
- Chan DC, Watts GF, NG TW, Hua J, Song S, Barrett PH
Measurement of liver fat by magnetic resonance imaging: Relationships with body fat distribution, insulin sensitivity and plasma lipids in healthy men. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2006 Nov:8(6): 698-702
- Jones MR, Italiano, L, Wilson SG, Mullin BH, Mead R, Dudbridge F, Watts GF, Stuckey BG. olymorphism in HSD17B6 is associated with key features of polycystic ovary syndrome
Fertil Steril. 2006 Nov:86(5):1438-46
- Ooi EM, Watts GF, Ji J, Rye KA, Johnson AG, Chan DC, Barrett PH
Plasma phospholipid transfer protein activity, a determinant of HDL kinetics in vivo
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf); 2006 Dec; 65(6);752-9
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Revisiting the metabolic syndrome. Med J Aust. 2006 Oct 16; 285(8):445-9 Review
- Chan DC, Nguyen MN, Watts GF, Barrett PH
Plasma apolipoprotein C-III transport in central obese men: Association with Low
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J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007 Nov 13 (Epub ahead of print)
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Cardiovasc Hematol Agents Med Chem 2007; 5: 215-21
- Ooi EM, Watts GF, Nestel PJ, Sviridov D, Hoang A, Barrett PH
Dose-dependent regulation of high-density lipoprotein metabolism: the Metabolic Syndrome
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Nov 20 (Epub ahead of print)
- Chan DC, Watts GF, Wang J, Hegele RA, van Bockxmeer FM, Barrett PH
Variation in Niemann-Pick C1-Like 1 gene as a determinant of apolipoprotein
kinetics and response to statin therapy in centrally obese men. Clin Endocrin (Oxf). 2007 Nov 19 (Epub ahead of print)
- Ooi EM, Watts GF, Barrett PH, Chan DC, Clifton PM, Ji J, Nestel PJ
Dietary plant sterols supplementation does not alter lipoprotein kinetics in the metabolic syndrome. Asia Pc J Clin Nutr. 2007; 26(4):624-31
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Indices of reverse cholesterol transport in subjects with metabolic syndrome after treatment with rosuvastatin.Atherosclerosis 2007 Aug 18 (Epub ahead of publication)
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Is adipose tissue lipolysis always an adaptive response to starvation?
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- Watts GF, Gan SK
Nutrition and metabolism: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease – pathogenesis, cardiovascular risk and therapy. Curr Opin Lipidol 2008 Feb: 19(1):92-4.
- Chan DC, Watts GF. Pharmacological regulation of dyslipoproteinaemia in insulin resistance states. Curr Vasc Pharmacol 2008 (in press)
- Chan DC, Chen MM, Ooi EM, Watts GF
An ABC of apolipoprotein C-III: a clinically useful new cardiovascular risk factor ?
Int J Clin Pract. 2008 Jan 24 (Epub ahead of print).